Protect Your Children
- Teach your children how to dial 911.
- Ensure them that they can trust the police.
- Make sure children know a safe place for them inside or outside of the home (e.g., a room with a lock or a trusted neighbor’s house).
- Reassure children that violence is not their fault and that you want to be sure they stay safe.
- If your child has a restraining or protective order against your abuser, be sure to share it with his or her preschool, daycare or school.
- Teach children how to distinguish between a real emergency and a simple argument.
- Give children a list of important phone numbers to keep with them, such as numbers of relatives or trusted neighbors.
Services for Children
Home should be a safe place but for too many children it's a place of conflict and even danger. Exposure to domestic violence can have long-term consequences.
- Individual counseling that is trauma-informed, including play and art therapy.
- Group counseling that helps children normalize their experiences and feel connected to peers.
- Family counseling that can help re-establish the authority of the non-abusive parent or caretaker, as that role is often undermined by the abuser.
- Professional YWCA therapists who help model positive communication while creating.

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