Vacation Camps
Girls & Boys Kindergarten – 8th Grade
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
There's no better way to spend a day off from school than at the YWCA. Our program offers kids a full day of interesting activities when schools are closed for holidays and/or vacation. Make new friends or cultivate different interests or skills.
2024-2025 Vacation Camp Dates
- October 3: Rosh Hashanah
- November 5: Election Day
- December 23-30: Holiday Recess
- February 10-14: Winter Recess
- March 10: Teacher PLD
- April 14-17: Spring Recess
Vacation Camp Price - $90 per day
Financial Aid is available for all qualifying applicants
If interested in registering, please email the Program Director for the registration form:
Arthur Smith
Director of Youth Programs
203-869-6501, ext. 251

A Typical Vacation Camp Day
8:30 AM – Arrival
- Arts & Crafts
- Cooking
- Group Activity
- Gymnastics
- Outside Play
- Sports Clinic
12:30 PM – Lunch
- Field Trip or Special Event
- Game Room
- Yoga or Fitness
6:00 PM - Dismissal
- Sports Clinic
- Group Activity
- Swim