Family Activities @Home
As the Greenwich Schools and the YWCA Greenwich continue to monitor the current community situation and temporarily close during this time period, the YWCA Afterschool program is providing some weekly activities to keep your child(ren) busy and engaged.
Obviously, this cannot replace the ingenuity and craziness that my staff and I infuse into the activities. But, this should suffice until we see each other again. Also, please check the YWCA Greenwich Website frequently and our Instagram page for updates about our Facility and ALL of our GYWCA programs. Thank you all for your patience and vigilance. Finally – STAY HEALTHY!!!‘VIRTUAL’ ACTIVITIES TO CHOOSE FROM
Please feel free to choose and double-click on any of the following activities, that your child can work on separately or that you can work on together as a group.

Water painting – give your child some water in a plastic cup/bucket and a paint brush (a toothbrush can substitute) and let him/her get to work! This activity can be inside on construction paper, outside on cement, pavement, trees, houses, fences, etc.
Homemade puzzles – challenge your child to draw a picture on a piece of paper, on a part of an old box or on whatever you have around. An old photograph can also be used. Cut it up (the children can help, too!) and then have them put it back together.
Sensory play – in a low bucket, add uncooked rice or beans, flour, water, etc. Have the children feel, squish and/or measure the contents with plastic cups and spoons. Practice pouring and scooping. Use the words: more, less, hard, soft, solid, liquid for describing.
9 Activities Under $10 that will keep your children entertained for hours
Animated Storybooks
Give your child a mitten (hat, sock, tights, etc) and let him/her see how many of another item (cars, legos, duplo blocks, crayons, etc) he/she can fit into each item. Then take them out and count them.

Strawberry Shortcake Parfait Pops
¾ cup Special K Red Berries cereal
¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
¾ cup vanilla frozen yogurt, slightly softened
¾ cup strawberry sorbet, slightly softened
Coat insides of 12 3-oz paper cups with cooking spray. In food processor, combine cereal and coconut and pulse until finely chopped. Spoon about 1 tsp. cereal mixture into bottom of each cup and top each with 1 tbsp. frozen yogurt. Add 2 tbsp. sorbet to each cup and press with back of spoon, then pack in 1 tbsp. frozen yogurt. Sprinkle each with more cereal mixture. Insert wooden stick into the center of each pop and freeze until firm, at least 4 hrs.
To serve, snip sides of paper cups with kitchen scissors and peel off.