Healthy Relationship Quiz
Most people think that “abuse” means physical abuse. But emotional and mental abuse also make a relationship unhealthy. This Healthy Relationship Quiz was developed to help people decide if they are in an unhealthy and abusive relationship.
- Are you afraid to speak your mind, express how you feel or ask for something you need?
- Does your partner tell you that you are “stupid, crazy”, or “inadequate” when you disagree?
- Does your partner make fun of your ideas or opinions?
- Is your partner bossy and/or try to control every detail in your relationship?
- Is your partner extremely demanding and jealous?
- Do you often feel guilty and second-guess your choices in friends, social activities, jobs, because of your partner’s negative comments about these choices?
- Are you afraid of your partner’s temper, feel like you walk on eggshells, and/or are constantly monitoring what you say and do as an attempt to avoid making them angry?
- Do you find yourself making excuses for your partner and justifying their actions to others?
- Do you feel more “free” to be yourself when they are not around?
- Does your partner throw or break things when angry?
- Does your partner try to control where you go and what you do?
- Does your partner pressure you to engage in sexual activities which you are uncomfortable with and put you down if you refuse?
- Does your partner threaten to kill or hurt themselves if you have a differing opinion, try to end the relationship, or do something they disapprove of?
- Does your partner try to make you feel guilty for having a “life” (e.g., friends, interests) apart from the relationship?
- Does your partner criticize your family and friends and ask you to stop seeing them?
- Do you feel that you have changed, lost touch with who you are, or have become someone else in order to be with your partner?
- Have your friends or family expressed concern about your relationship and/or your well- being?
- Does your partner know how to make you feel bad (e.g., what buttons to push) and use it often to hurt you?
- Have you lost touch with your friends, and only hang out with your partner’s friends?
- Does your partner try to control you with anger and guilt or lash out when you don’t do exactly what they want?
- Has your partner ever hit, slapped, punched, shoved, grabbed or shaken you?
- Has your partner ever threatened to hurt you, take important things away, or leave you?
- Has your partner ever called you names, put you down, insulted you, and/or embarrassed you in front of others?
- Do you feel like you never get anywhere when you try to communicate?
- Do you spend large amounts of time preoccupied with what you’ve said or how its’ interpreted?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you be recognizing signs of relationship abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship, free from violence and fear.
Call YWCA Greenwich hotline for more information: 203-622-0003